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Welcome European Reedies! Are you in new to the area? Or have you heard of someone moving to Europe and might need some guidance? Get in touch with local Reedies! Contact To contact the chapter, send email to alumni-europe-steering@groups.reed.edu or you can look up individual members using the alumni directory in IRIS. Steering Committee Johanna Colgrove ’92, acting committee chair (Leiden, Netherlands) If you have an idea for an event please contact the Europe Chapter. We'd love to hear your ideas.
Follow GroupWelcome European Reedies!
Are you in new to the area? Or have you heard of someone moving to Europe and might need some guidance? Get in touch with local Reedies!
To contact the chapter, send email to alumni-europe-steering@groups.reed.edu or you can look up individual members using the alumni directory in IRIS.
Steering Committee
If you have an idea for an event please contact the Europe Chapter. We'd love to hear your ideas.
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