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Thursday, January 23, 2025 9am to 11am
About this Event
This class is a part of the Sustainable Paideia series. The fashion industry produces billions of tons of waste each year, and the average garment is only worn 7-10 times before being donated or thrown away. In this world of fast fashion and textile waste, it’s easy to take our clothes for granted.
In this workshop, students will learn to darn and mend an item of clothing, and appreciate the beauty of creative and sustainable fashion! Be sure to bring an item of clothing you’d like to mend, or modify!
Class is limited to 20 participants
Sign up link: forms.gle/f9jYLXBRX688Xm679
Instructors: Alister Orozco (Student), Emily Howley (Student), Maggie Miklas (Student), and Rachel Willis (Staff)