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Reedies in Science: Why study MSc Science Communication?

Wednesday, March 27, 2024 1pm to 2pm

Ever thought about communicating science or studying abroad after Reed?

Reed Alum Emma Weitkamp ('87) invites you to think about life after Reed. As a chemistry graduate, Emma shifted to a career first communicating science and subsequently teaching science communication. She offers insights into the careers you might consider if you are passionate about science, but more interested in talking about it than doing research. She'll give specific examples of careers from her professional background and past students on the MSc in Science Communication (https://courses.uwe.ac.uk/P90012/science-communication) she teaches on.

Emma is also happy to answer questions about postgraduate study more generally in the UK for students who might be considering that as an option.

NOTE: This is a virtual event. Please RSVP via Handshake.

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