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More than 3,000 runners participating in the Portland Marathon will run through the beautiful Reed campus as they push through mile 18. Expect runners and crowds on campus 8:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. The Reed community is welcome to cheer on the runners along the sidelines. 

Important: Woodstock Boulevard between SE 28th and César E. Chávez Boulevard will be closed to vehicles on Sunday 10/1 from 7 a.m.-2 p.m. Traffic on SE 28th between Woodstock Boulevard and Steele Street will be reduced to one lane. Vehicles will not be able to exit either the east or west parking lots. If you park in the east or west lot, and need to access your vehicle, please move your vehicle prior to Sunday morning.

If you are interested in a discounted marathon entry or have questions, contact  Conference & Events Planning.

Event Details