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This class will introduce the parts of Jewish daily prayer, especially the Shema and its close connection to the Amidah. We will then discuss the architectural structure of the Beit HaMikdash (the Temple) and connect the elements of daily prayer to various locations in the Temple. We will use guided imagery to navigate to the symbolic features of the Temple, such as the shulchan (the table with the “show” bread), and the Aron (the Ark of the Covenant). Prayer is a very personal and individual experience and visualization of oneself praying in a particular metaphysical space distant in time and space can be empowering. Layering on visualization of a journey during prayer to many different places of increasing holiness adds a spiritual dimension. At the end of prayer, one returns to our world of daily activities with a renewed sense of purpose and appreciation of life. There are no prerequisites to the class and it will be taught in English, with Hebrew terms explained.

Sign-up form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1aW-5R4nal-E0_CZClAGXtCszvi5s4xvaZv-4Tlc2BmQ/viewform?edit_requested=true

Zoom link: https://tau-ac-il.zoom.us/j/5976852062

Instructor: David Segaloff

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