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3203 Southeast Woodstock Boulevard, Portland, Oregon 97202-8199

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Get Ready for Handstands...
...and possibly do some! Learn handstand prep drills and how to practice safely — maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow, but soon and for the rest of your life. It would be helpful if you can already hold a plank or down dog for a minute or two, but anyone without contraindications can participate. (Individuals with the following conditions should not practice handstands without the approval of a medical professional: injuries to wrist, arm, shoulder, neck, spine, or brain; heart disease, high blood pressure, stroke, glaucoma and other serious eye issues; pregnancy, recent surgery, headache.) Supportive and inclusive environment.

This is a 2-part series class.

Class is limited to 8 participants.

Sign up link: forms.gle/dmfkPTF3ip8EBnkV9

Instructor: Anne Ha (Staff)

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