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3203 Southeast Woodstock Boulevard, Portland, Oregon 97202-8199

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Daniel Alexander Jones has made a winding path within and across disciplines in his wide-ranging art practice. He is at work on a book of creative nonfiction, chronicling his journey through a series of powerful lessons learned from pivotal mentors, places, and moments in time. Resonant with the call and response of Blackness, Queerness, Experimentation, Lineage, and Transformation, the book, WAVES (A Manual for Bearing Light) offers evidence of lives lived beyond binaries and boundaries, lives that housed stark contradictions, lives full of individual epiphany and communal wisdom, and lives that embodied the work of carriying the lessons of the past to the questions of the future.

This evening, Daniel will read selections from this book in process, share stories and questions from his journey, and facilitate a conversation about the intimate relationship between creative practice and personal transformation.

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  • Sameer Khan
  • Hollie Caskey

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