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Join the Foster-Scholz Club for a virtual talk with Kathy Oleson, Professor of Psychology and Dean of the Faculty. Her talk, "Faculty-Student Collaboration in Promoting Inclusive Classroom Dynamics in Higher Education," focuses on the college classroom, referred to by bell hooks as "the most radical space of possibility in the academy."

Kathy Oleson employs a social-psychological perspective that studies interaction among a learning environment's various elements. Her approach is informed both by Reed’s student consultant program and research conducted in collaboration with Reed students. She takes into account the people in the classroom (instructors and students), the course content and methods of instruction, the dynamic between students and faculty, and the physical and psychological space within the broader sociocultural context. Kathy highlights ways to promote productive discomfort essential for learning that considers equity issues in the classroom.

About Kathy Oleson, Dean of the Faculty and Professor of Psychology
 Kathy Oleson joined the Reed faculty in 1995 as a professor of psychology and was appointed dean of the faculty in July 2020. She earned a PhD in social psychology from Princeton University and a BA in psychology from the University of Kansas. She served as a National Institute of Mental Health Postdoctoral Fellow at the Ohio State University from 1993 to 1995. From July 2014 to June 2016, she served as the founding director of Reed's Center for Teaching and Learning. She is a co-editor of The Handbook of the Uncertain Self. Her primary research explores ways to make the college classroom more inclusive, with a particular focus on productive discomfort. Her book Promoting Inclusive Classroom Dynamics in Higher Education: A Research-Based Pedagogical Guide for Faculty (Stylus Publishing) was published in 2021.



Thursday, February 2

Virtual, via Zoom

2–3 p.m. PST


To register, click here. Once you are registered, you will receive a confirmation email with a link to join the event via Zoom.

Please contact Tess Buchannan at 503-777-7547 or buchannt@reed.edu with any questions or to discuss special accommodations.


If your class year is 40 or more years ago (currently the class of 1982 and earlier), you are a member of the Foster-Scholz Club. You are invited to attend a variety of Foster-Scholz Club events throughout the year.

Event Details

Topic: Foster-Scholz Club lecture: Prof. Kathy Oleson
Time: Feb 2, 2023 02:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)

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