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About this Event
This class presents an "elementary" account of Fourier series and integrals, based on the book "Fourier Analysis" by Stein-Shakarchi. Here, "elementary" means no measure theory, so those who haven't taken real analysis (and those who have) don't need to worry! Fourier analysis (and harmonic analysis more generally) is a branch of mathematics that is mysteriously absent in the Reed mathematics curriculum, relegated at best to being mentioned in some topics classes, and at worst never mentioned at all. As such, I would like to share what I've learned about it over the summer, since, quite frankly, it's really cool.
The organization of the class is as follows:
Monday 1/15: Fourier series theory, based off of chapters 1-4 of Stein-Shakarchi.
Friday 1/19: Fourier transform theory, based off of chapters 5-6 of Stein-Shakarchi.
Sunday 1/21: Applications, based off of a variety of sources.
Anyone is welcome to attend. However, I will assume the audience has taken math up to vector calculus (excluding discrete math). Anyone lacking in any suggested prerequisites may find it difficult to keep up. Regardless, I encourage all that are interested to attend.
Instructor: Jacob Sharkansky
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