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3017 Southeast Woodstock Boulevard, Portland, Oregon 97202-8199

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*This concert is presented by Portland Baroque Orchestra. For questions, please contact them directly at 503-222-6000 regarding tickets and concert information.

An artist of “consummate taste and expressivity” (Cleveland Plain Dealer), guest director and oboist Debra Nagy leads a program of captivating beauty featuring Bach, Telemann, and Vivaldi. This program celebrates the fusion of the oboe d’amore and viola d’amore - an alluring sound Leopold Mozart described as “especially charming in the stillness of the evening.” The ethereal tones of the oboe d’amore will enchant your senses while the rich resonance of the viola d’amore evokes profound emotion.

Join us one hour before the performance for a pre-concert talk in PAB 320 (3rd floor, Performing Arts Building) about the program. Learn more here.

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