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"Charm School": Foundations for the Road Ahead presented by Tony Fisher '80

Wednesday, October 30, 2019 3:30pm to 5:30pm

3203 Southeast Woodstock Boulevard, Portland, Oregon 97202-8199

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For over two decades, MIT has offered a "Charm School" course for its students to learn about skills which can lead to successful careers in any industry, profession, or calling. This will be Mr. Fisher's seventh year teaching Reed students skills that he was trained in over a 35 year career in the financial services industry. Public speaking, group presentations, core sales and consulting skills, and resume and career search strategies will be discussed. Mr. Fisher was a Managing Director of UBS Investment Bank, serving the capital-raising needs of municipal governments in the western United States, and a Vice President of Morgan Stanley Wealth Management, where he advised over 100 families in the management of their assets and liabilities.

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