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3203 Southeast Woodstock Boulevard, Portland, Oregon 97202-8199

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"ReShark: bridging across cultures and disciplines to exchange knowledge and recover threatened sharks and rays"

ReShark is a global collective of aquariums and zoos, non-government organizations, academic institutions, governments, and local communities working to recover threatened sharks and rays. The program successfully launched the first project, Stegostoma tigrinum Augmentation and Recovery, including training our first cohort of aquarists, co-designing and building two shark nurseries in Raja Ampat Indonesia, conducting a population viability analysis, developing a husbandry manual, and securing all the necessary permits. The program shipped our first eggs in 2022 and released our first pups in January of 2023. ReShark is now moving forward to formalize its governance structure and strategically consider candidate species for new projects. Harnessing the unique husbandry and public engagement capacity of the aquarium and zoo community, this collective hopes to successfully ReShark our ocean for the benefit of sharks and rays, aquatic ecosystems, and the coastal communities that depend on them.

Erin Meyer is Seattle Aquarium’s Vice President of Conservation Programs and Partnerships where she directs the on-the-ground conservation programming across three focal areas: science, policy, and sustainability. Erin has over a decade of experience in conservation and management in the marine sciences including her ongoing work with ReShark, an international, collective effort to recover threatened sharks and rays around the world

11:50 am- Snacks & Socializing
noon- Talk Begins

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