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3203 SE Woodstock Blvd, Portland, OR 97202, USA

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Dr. Moss's lab aims to identify and characterize components of the cellular machinery used by plants to detect and respond to the hormone auxin, and to use this knowledge to develop fluorescence-based “biosensors” that enable accurate measurement of hormone levels and location in living plants.

How can baker’s yeast help us understand the development of corn ears?

Abstract:  Take a moment to imagine your favorite plant. What are its unique characteristics? Is it short and bushy, or tall and slender? Does it bend in response to light or gravity? Does it have deep, dense roots? The AuxSynBio team at Whitman College seek to determine how these features are “programmed” into plants, what molecules carry out these programs, and how the programs might be tweaked to provide plants with new and useful traits. In particular, we focus on a small plant hormone called auxin that seems to play an important role at almost all phases of plant growth and development. Recently we have focused on uncovering the key role of auxin in guiding corn ear and tassel development ~ this involves utilizing approaches from genomics, biochemistry, developmental biology, and synthetic biology.

3:45pm Snacks & Socializing on the lawn between Biology, ETC, & Library
4:10pm Talk Begins

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