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3203 Southeast Woodstock Boulevard, Portland, Oregon 97202-8199

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Please note: this event has been cancelled due to inclement weather.

"Motherhood to mortality: insights on death from invertebrates"

Death unites all living organisms. In octopuses, death is the inevitable outcome of reproduction, while in bumblebees, colonies actively manage dead conspecifics through a range of corpse management behaviors. Our research uncovers the neuroendocrine and molecular mechanisms underlying these unique life histories. By examining these two invertebrate systems, this talk will explore how hormones and behavior shape the different ways that animals navigate life’s final transition.

Yan Wang is an Assistant Professor of Psychology and Biology at the University of Washington, Seattle. She is a neuroscientist interested in the evolutionary and social dimensions of senescence. Yan completed her postdoctoral work at Princeton University, studying the effects of social isolation on the brains and behaviors of bumblebees, and her graduate work at the University of Chicago, investigating the molecular neuroendocrinology of maternal behaviors and death in the octopus. She uses emerging invertebrate model systems to investigate how the nervous system organizes, encodes, and mediates end-of-life transitions and death. Her work uses multiple high-dimensional omics, behavioral, and molecular approaches to uncover fundamental rules about the aging nervous system.

11:50 am- Snacks & Socializing
noon- Talk Begins

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