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Af-Am History Docs: Silver Dollar Road (2023)

Friday, October 11, 2024 7pm to 9pm

3203 Southeast Woodstock Boulevard, Portland, Oregon 97202-8199

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We invite you to join us for Part III in a free series of four African American history–related documentary film screenings presented by professor of music, Mark Burford. Admission is free. 

Silver Dollar Road (2023)
Directed by Raoul Peck

Silver Dollar Road follows the story of the Reels family as told by the matriarch Mamie Reels Ellison and her niece Kim Renee Duhon, two fierce women defending their rights and fighting to protect their ancestor’s land and their brothers and uncles Melvin and Licurtis, who were imprisoned for eight years—the longest sentence for civil contempt in North Carolina history. The film highlights the ways the legal system is exploited to limit land ownership in Black communities and further contributes to the racial wealth gap.

Film website

Final event in this series:
November 1: Attica (2021)

Event Details