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3203 Southeast Woodstock Boulevard, Portland, Oregon 97202-8199

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Climb along with performer Tim Miller inside the giant O of the Hollywood sign—or as Shakespeare conjured it, "the wooden O" of the theatre where we must try to take on the big social themes of our time—as Miller performs a new work created from his recent book of performances and stories, A Body in the O.

Jumping off from a day when Miller was 25 and scrambled up inside of the O of the Hollywood sign and imagined the performance space treehouse of his dreams, A Body in the O journeys through the hoops of the Department of Homeland Security, a queer boy's truth telling, the human heart's mysterious Os, and finally a wedding day as Miller imagines the full possibility of performance that changes the world inside these wooden Os! 

“For an entire generation of queer artists working in the experimental theater world—including me—Tim Miller led the way. His imagination, daring and vision continue to inspire us.”—Moisés Kaufman, author of The Laramie Project    

Tim Miller is an internationally acclaimed solo performer. Hailed for its humor and  passion, Miller's solo theater works have been presented all over North America, Australia, and Europe at such prestigious venues as Yale Repertory Theatre, the Institute of Contemporary Art (London), the Walker Art Center (Minneapolis), and the Brooklyn Academy of Music. He is the author of the books Shirts & Skin, Body Blows, and 1001 Beds, which won the 2007 literary prize for best drama-theater book from Lambda Literary Foundation. Miller has taught performance in the theater departments at UCLA and at Cal State L.A. He is a founder of two of the most influential performance spaces in the United States: Performance Space 122 on Manhattan's Lower East Side and Highways Performance Space in Santa Monica, CA. He can be reached at his website.

Free and open to the public. Masks are required for this event. Space is limited, and reservations are required. Reserve your spot here. Note that current Reed theatre students and faculty ALREADY HAVE A SPOT RESERVED and do not need to sign up. Email brittneycm@reed.edu if you have questions about your reservation.

This visit is possible thanks to the Reed theatre department, the Office for Institutional Diversity, and FUSE Theatre Ensemble.


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