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Eliot Hall houses classrooms, faculty offices, and administrative offices. The building’s brick and limestone are patterned after St. John’s College at Oxford. Read about namesake Thomas Lamb Eliot on the dedication plaque at the south entrance of the building, and view the Reed College seal inscribed above the entrance to the admission office. The college’s mascot, the griffin, is placed at the center of the seal. Taken from the coat of arms of the Simeon Reed family, the griffin is a mythical half-eagle, half-lion that symbolizes strength, leadership, and intelligence. The chapel on the third floor includes architectural details that date back to the tenth century.
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3203 Southeast Woodstock Boulevard, Portland, Oregon 97202-8199
Eliot Hall houses classrooms, faculty offices, and administrative offices. The building’s brick and limestone are patterned after St. John’s College at Oxford. Read about namesake Thomas Lamb Eliot on the dedication plaque at the south entrance of the building, and view the Reed College seal inscribed above the entrance to the admission office. The college’s mascot, the griffin, is placed at the center of the seal. Taken from the coat of arms of the Simeon Reed family, the griffin is a mythical half-eagle, half-lion that symbolizes strength, leadership, and intelligence. The chapel on the third floor includes architectural details that date back to the tenth century.
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Thu, Jan 23, 2025 12pm to 1pm
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Friday, January 20, 2017 4:29pm